Sean Mugerian, Deputy
Phone: 231-633-2579
8870 North Long Lake Rd.
Traverse City, MI 49685
Community Police
We are glad to have Deputy Sean Mugerian serve as our Community Police Officer and make connections with members of the Township in positive ways. Deputy Mugerian is not only available to respond to criminal complaints and enforce traffic laws but also to meet with members of the public and address any concerns they may have within the Township. In addition, Deputy Mugerian can teach fraud awareness to the adult population as well as an introduction to 911 course to the youth.
Feel free to contact Deputy Mugerian with any questions or concerns you may have or just to say “hello”. The CPO’s contact number is not monitored 24/7 as Deputy Mugerian works a randomized schedule. If he does not answer please leave a message and he will get back to you during regular hours or his next working day.
If you have an emergency or wish to report a crime, please contact 911.
Deputy Sean Mugerian
(231) 633-2579